Sunday, December 1, 2013

Love Actually

      In my opinion Love Actually is a very good book. First, this book makes think about love because there are many kinds of love: friendship, first love, extramarital love and so on. Second, all characters are connected very well. When I read the book, this is a big problem, because I don’t know character name, but when I read again, it’s no problem anymore, so it is very interesting part. Third, all characters have different personalities. Especially Billy personality is very crazy. He is not kind but sometimes he is kind, fun and he always acts with confidence, so he is my favorite character! I also like Natalie, because she is very cute and she is honest about she’s feeling. Finally, this book is not difficult. I think it is good for ESL students. I hope students will read the book eagerly.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Do you know about Tekken?? Tekken was my favorite game. Tekken genre is fighting game and it is a video game. When I was a child, every day I played Tekken2 with my friends in an amusement hall at night. Every day I always practiced to Tekken2. When I practiced to Tekken, I spend a lot of money maybe around 500$, because I always lost to my friends, so I want to win. Finally I won, and then my friends and I finished the Tekken. When I went to Movie Theater with my friends 5 Month before, we saw the Tekken, and we played Tekken but now Tekken is totally different. Tekken is not Tekken 2 anymore Tekken2 after Tekken3, Tekken4, Tekken5, Tekken6, and now Tekken Revolution. Nowadays Tekken still popular some people. In Korea There is global championship about Tekken. The players of many countries participate in this championship. But now I prefer board games, because more comfortable and more easily.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


        I heard you will come to Canada! I give some advice. First, you have to buy some winter equipment. For example, winter jacket, winter boots, winter glove, winter pants and so on, because Canada is very cold. Seconds, you need international drive license, because Canada has a huge ground, so when you visit some tourist spot, if you have a drive license, you can go more comfortable. Moreover you can rent a car fot less than in Korea. Third, I can introduce some tourist spot for you. But you have to such some tourist: Banff, Rocky Mountain, Waterton Lakes National Park. Fourth, you prepare some emergence medicine and tourist insurance, because some place is dangerous, so you need to provision.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Airplane

          In my opinion, the airplane is the best way to travel for me. First, an airplane is the fastest way to ride, so if I take an airplane, I arrive early. As the result, I can feel a lot of thing like food, culture, people, tourist resort and so on. Second, the airplane has many good services. For example, when I take an airplane, I can drink a lot of kinds of water, and I can eat on time.
Third, the airplane is comfortable. Usually If I take a vehicle or vessel or aircraft, I have to sleep in 30 minute, so I always worried about that. However when I take a airplane, I never worried about that. 
        The airplane also has some disadvantages. First, the airplane is very expensive. Second, the airplane schedule is very limited. Third, the airplane has big risk. For example if the airplane has accident, almost people die.

In contrast, I prefer by airplane because better than anything.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


       Did you hear Seoul in Korea? Seoul is my hometown. Calgary is also very safe. Seoul is safer than Calgary. Seoul doesn't have any drug and gun. Seoul has many Police offices, If you call police, Police must come in 5 minute because when you stay anyplace in Seoul, the police office from you is within 15 minutes walking distance. Seoul has many CCTV cameras in alleys that look dangerous. So we can't find some crime in Seoul.
       Do you know what you can do to protect yourself from becoming a victim? I have some idea. If you are a man, you can't wear to expensive kinds of clothes. If you are a woman, don't wear to exposure kinds of clothes and don't go outside alone late time.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Do you know Goguryeo? This is my favorite book. It is a historical novel. 2000 years ago Goguryeo was a big country. They had strong bows, strong horses and some spacial machines like cannons. They were kind hearted, but sometimes, when another country attacked the Goguryeo, they changed into devils. So they attacked another country, until they perished. This book has many stories, like war, life, science and so on. This book doesn't have a hero or heroin, only the citizens of Goguryeo. For all these reasons this book is my favorite.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


             If I get $10 million, So nice...Hum...If I get $10 million, I never try to donation. I know this is a really bad think. But i don't want to donation. I want to go world tour with my family. I would like to invite the family to Canada. When I finish trip, I come back to Korea, I made three stores. First store sell Basketball shoes and has many Basketball shoes. Like a Jordan,Kobe, Le Bron and so on. Second store sell beer and has a lot of beer. like  Canada beer, Japan beer, Costa Rica beer, Venezuela beer, Saudi Arabia beer, China beer and so on. Finally store has many rooms like a hotel. So customer can use very cheap prize. and  I want to make the hotel as Korean.
This is my plan.