Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall, Fall, Fall

In the Korea, There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. My favorite season is fall. I have many reasons.
The first reason why is that there are so many seasonal fruits and grains, for example, persimmons, chestnuts, apples, pears and so on.Specially i love persimmons. The second reason, Fall has special sky. if you go Korea, you can feel all of this thing. The third
reason, Fall is the best season for reading. My hobby is book reading. When i read the book in the fall, i can read more easily. Moreover, Fall is the best season for exercise. Finally, Fall is cool and I can see the trees' autumnal leaves. In my opinion, summer is too hot, winter is too cold and spring doesn't have a tension. So, Fall is the best season.

The first reason why is that there are so many seasonal fruits and grains, for example, persimmons, chestnuts, apples, pears and so on.

It is my favorite fruit. Persimmons
It is my favorite picture. Millet Gleaners


  1. I like fall too, but I don't like a persimmon.

  2. I like fall, but the best is summer!! :)

  3. Hi, Danny. Reading Blogs, I knew you like Fall also, me too. Fall is my favorite, not only we can eat fresh fruits, but we can enjoy the great scenery and cheerful weather. Sometime, we can compare fall to spring, the weather is same, but the scenery is different, in spring the topic color is green, and the fall has many kinds of colors, such as brown, yellow, green and blue. In my opinion, every seasons have different scenery, but I favor fall.

  4. I hope you enjoyed pumpkin here...that's our most famous fall fruit! It's also a great time of year to go for a walk in the woods and enjoy the colorful leaves.

    In Korea, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

    The first reason why is that there are so many seasonal fruits and grains, for example, persimmons, chestnuts, apples, pears and so on.
